Monday, December 29, 2008

MacOSX:哪部 NetBook 最好配?

Quoted from

...簡單來說,這個表就是要告訴大家那一家的 NetBook 最好配 MacOSX,看來也挺實用的。原文作者說 MSI 及Dell Mini 9是最好的。...

Kuwait Cancels Joint Venture With Dow Chemical

Kuwait Cancels Joint Venture With Dow Chemical

Dow Chemical said Sunday that the government in Kuwait had changed its mind and chosen to scrap the $17.4 billion joint venture between Dow and the Kuwaiti state-run Petrochemical Industries Company.

The reversal is a setback for Dow, the chemicals giant based in Midland, Mich. The joint venture, called K-Dow Petrochemicals, was seen as an important way for Dow to reduce its exposure to the ups and downs of the commodities business, as well as to raise cash to defray the cost of Dow’s pending $15 billion acquisition of rival Rohm and Haas.

In a statement Sunday, Dow said it was “extremely disappointed” with the Kuwaiti government’s decision and was evaluating its options regarding the joint venture deal, which was scheduled to close on Jan 1, 2009.

這樣陶氏會不會因此推高負債比重? 在下年方向會不會有所變動呢? 這跟我的工作關係相當密切, 不過...舉目觀看, 我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來。

Saturday, December 27, 2008


三鹿奶粉刑事案6名疑犯受审 透露蛋白粉制造秘密

若案情屬實, 即有人將「蛋白精」加入牛奶收集站, 即是說乳牛的飼養方面沒有收到污染, 而是第二層開始。一直看下去, 就會發現, 身為中國人的一份子, 從企業管理角度來看, 也要反思一下「監管」的意義。

PS做tilt shift效果

Photo sample source:

50 Beautiful Examples Of Tilt-Shift Photography

"...With a very little effort, you can take existing photographs of everyday scenes and make it look like they're actually of miniature models. ..."

Tilt-shift Effect Photograph[Posted by Samsaraclose]

If you are free enough, you can combine all those "fake model" time-lapse photos into a video. Amazing! A Chinese character can be used to describe everyone who watches the below video -- "O".

Bathtub II from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

[影像處理]光影魔術手 nEO iMAGING v3.01.20 正式版 繁體中文版

Software Sharing
1st source:
2nd source:

【軟體名稱】:光影魔術手 nEO iMAGING v3.01.20 正式版 繁體中文版(版本:
【檔案大小】:10.0 MB (安裝檔)、5.59 MB (更新檔)、12.8 MB (免安裝檔)、19.1 MB (素材包)
【作業系統】:Vista Win2003 WinXP Win2000 Win9X

Baby garment shop in Jordon

Boxing day等小Helen跟姊妹們唱K後, 與她一同到澳洲牛奶公司食tea, 想不到現時已那麼有名, 要排隊才能進入享用一個簡簡單單的炒蛋快餐。
我們在寶靈街及白居士街交界, 走到一間新開的River BB衫店, 買了小禮物給劉小B及潘大B, 那間的網址未做好, 所以拍了張相, 要找的話自己試試看吧! 其實從這張相也看不到什麼。另一張「四正」的相片則是鄰街的同老闆女裝店。

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas presents from company

Thanks all! I got 5 presents, most are candies, from my colleagues in my company.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Canon 40D movie home trial

以EOS Utiltiy 加 Deput screen capture, 配以我家的舊P4電腦, 用DSLR Canon EOS 40D 試了一段影片, 跳晒格!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time Lapse video by Canon EOS 40D

[Quote from Youtube]Time Lapse video by Canon EOS 40D

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum是指一篇常用於排版設計領域的拉丁文文章,主要的目的為測試文章或文字在不同字型、版型下看起來的效果。
Lorem ipsum從西元15世紀開始就被廣泛地使用在西方的印刷、設計領域中,在電腦排版盛行之後,這段被傳統印刷產業使用幾百年的無意義文字又再度流行。由於這段文字以「Lorem ipsum」起頭,並且常被用於標題的測試中,所以一般稱為Lorem ipsum,簡稱為Lipsum。
Source: WIKI

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra est. In vel nunc nec mi vestibulum fermentum. Mauris scelerisque scelerisque risus. Nullam laoreet est elementum lorem. Fusce ipsum odio, aliquet at, fringilla et, ultricies quis, felis. Donec et enim. Sed porttitor. Maecenas posuere tempus erat. Pellentesque aliquam sapien et mi. Integer tristique. Pellentesque volutpat, erat sit amet tempus ullamcorper, neque turpis vulputate nisi, quis aliquet magna velit et libero. Phasellus ac justo. Nam fringilla vehicula justo. Nam consequat. Maecenas quis mi id purus tincidunt molestie. Nulla facilisi. Praesent vel tortor. Mauris fermentum.

Lorem Ipsum generator

亂數假文產生器 Chinese Lorem Ipsum



來源: 中國聚合物網

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[Quote] Corel Video Studio X2與K-Lite之沖突

Video Studio公司已由Ulead轉成Corel, 由v12過渡至HD支援的x2, 想信很多人都剛剛試upgrade至x2, 以下文章或許有幫助。
Corel Video Studio X2的怪異輸出錯誤

Monday, December 08, 2008

自己拍的相終於有客戶採用(不過很兒戲), 繼續努力!

不過原來Canon EOS 40D在影樓使用很不便, 似乎Nikon的設計更為適合, 怪不得戶外Sport會多會Canon, 室內studio攝影師似乎多用Nikon原來真的有原因。星期六拍garment時, 才發現Liveview之下不能trigger flash, 而且viewfinder有無grip, 難對水平。

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


大欖郊野公園山火仍未救熄[25/11 星期二 09:18]

圖為11月24日晚上10:30pm Kerry駕車經過所見.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


今日行經荷李活廣場的Watxon, 見到圖中的這一個價錢牌, 有沒有發現愈買得多愈貴, 跟一般人的消費認知相違背, 或許商店就是希望大家在以為有特價的心態下賺多一點吧!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What is REACH?

想不到除了公司及客戶, 在教會小姐茶餘飯後也會提到REACH.

What is REACH ?
REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006). It deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances. The new law entered into force on 1 June 2007.

The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. At the same time, innovative capability and competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry should be enhanced. The benefits of the REACH system will come gradually, as more and more substances are phased into REACH.....

Construction industry responds to green demands Greener building

Source: ICIS, ICB
Suppliers of chemicals to the building sector are being kept on their toes by consumers seeking products that are kind to the environment and help improve efficiency

Governments around the world are demanding ever-increasing environmental and sustainability standards from the ­construction industry. Concerns about climate change, combined with elevated fuel prices, are pushing energy efficiency to the top of the agenda for designers and builders of residential and commercial properties.

"We must reduce the environmental impact of the built environment if we are to have any chance of meeting demanding targets for carbon and other emissions," says John Denham, UK Secretary of State for the Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills. "Creating 'zero-carbon' buildings cost-effectively, and in the numbers required, will need innovative products, materials and processes."

With the introduction of new regulations and targets, including the UK government's plans for all new homes to be 'carbon neutral' by 2016, there is an increasing focus on the life-cycle impact of construction products and their constituents.

certify it

Chemical companies need to prove that their products are safe, says Jennifer Atlee, research director at US-based consultancy BuildingGreen. "People in the building industry are starting to look further and further down the chain, including the manufacturing process. The chemistry of the product is being looked at more carefully."

Producers are using product stewardship and life-cycle assessment programs to ­determine the environmental impact of their products. ICI Paints, part of Dutch-headquartered coatings and specialty chemical producer AkzoNobel, for ­example, has developed a life-cycle analysis tool that the company says reveals about 80% of the environmental impacts of any product during a short workshop. The company has used the tool to define projects to reduce the emissions profile of its Dulux paint throughout the complete life-cycle, from extraction and production of raw materials through manufacture and use to end-of-life disposal.

When assessing the risks associated with particular products, it is important to consider the big picture, Atlee stresses. For example, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) have been criticized by some for their mercury content but, she says, there is less mercury inside each bulb than would be emitted into the atmosphere by a coal-fired power station producing the extra electricity required by a traditional bulb. So using CFLs can theoretically reduce atmospheric mercury levels.

In Europe, the new Reach chemical regulations move the burden of responsibility to prove that a chemical is safe onto the producer or supplier. In the US, California is blazing a trail on chemical policy through its proposed green chemistry initiative, which is intended to reduce toxic substances by changing the way things are designed and manufactured.

Educating the public about the durability and sustainability of products is critical, says Lawrence Carbary, industry scientist at US silicones supplier Dow Corning. "Chemicals have a generally negative connotation in the general public, because of the media coverage of bad chemicals. But when you have a continuous education process, people are educated about what's good and what's bad."

Integrated design - which includes the parties involved in the building's construction, including the architect and engineer, from the initial stages - is essential for building an energy-efficient and sustainable building, says Atlee.

Most of the major aspects of making an energy-efficient and green building take place at the initial design stage, such as orienting the building to make the best use of daylight and natural ventilation, she explains. "There are tons of things you can do with design first, before you get to the product level."

Cutting the energy needed to operate buildings is the largest environmental challenge facing the construction industry, according to the UK Construction Products Association. An assessment of the energy used in an office building over 60 years by the UK Building Research Establishment (BRE) shows that the majority of energy use (about 85%) is consumed during the operational life of the building, whereas only about 6% is used in manufacturing the components.

green design

The large areas of glazing used in commercial buildings make them less energy-efficient than residential buildings, notes Carbary, who works on silicon sealants and adhesives to weatherproof and glaze products in Dow Corning's construction business. Estimates of the energy used in commercial buildings in the West range between 17% and 40% of total energy consumption, he says.

Elevated energy prices and depleting natural resources have sharpened the focus on environmental issues. Despite the economic slump and slowdown in the overall housing industry, interest in green building design remains strong, and chemical companies have a vital role to play in helping to make buildings more energy efficient and safer places to live and work in.


Researchers in the US have developed a new process for storing power, which could be a boon for the solar industry. The process centers on a new catalyst, consisting of cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode, which enables the splitting of water into its constituents: oxygen and hydrogen.

Until now, solar power has been a daytime-only energy source, because storing extra solar energy for later use is prohibitively expensive and extremely inefficient. The new system, developed by Daniel Nocera and Matthew Kanan at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), could enable homeowners to use their photovoltaic panels during the day to power their home, while also using the energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen for storage.

At night, the stored hydrogen and oxygen could be recombined using a fuel cell to generate power while the solar panels are inactive.

"This is the nirvana of what we've been talking about for years," says Nocera. "Solar power has always been a limited, far-off solution. Now we can seriously think about solar power as unlimited and soon." The process, which works at room temperature, is inspired by photosynthesis in plants, Nocera says.

When electricity runs through the catalyst's electrode, the cobalt and phosphate form a thin film on the electrode, and oxygen gas is produced. Combined with another catalyst, such as platinum, that can produce hydrogen gas from water, the system can duplicate the water-splitting reaction that occurs during photosysnthesis.

The research, published in July in the journal Science, reflects the importance of advanced research in solar technology, says Eric Peeters, global executive director of Dow Corning Solar Solutions, part of US silicones supplier Dow Corning. "The opportunity that solar energy represents for the entire globe is tremendous, and it seems like every day we leap over another hurdle in the race for solar to be a sustainable energy option globally."

Solar silicon, used in photovoltaic panels, is one of Dow Corning's key products. The company says it has invested more than $2bn (€1.6bn) on research and development of materials for solar technology over the past three years.

By: Anna Jagger
+44 20 8652 3214

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Samsung Nabee wireless system replaces camera’s USB cable

Samsung Nabee wireless system replaces camera’s USB cable

Samsung's NaBee brings wireless USB to any digicam

Samsung "Hijacks" Certified Wireless USB with NaBee?


昨天在旺角接Helen放學時, 竟然撞到阿成、卓卓及偉成! 巴士上跟阿成談到netbook, 他說晚些會有Dual Atom推出, 現在科技真的神速!

剛剛在網站看到HP在台出Mini 1000, 看來比2133更貼近用家。

3C好好玩:HP Mini 1000

Monday, October 27, 2008

轉貼: 雜七雜八談隨身碟病毒(kavo一族)

家中的兩部機都同樣中了一款難搞的USB病毒 KAVO, 唉....
剛找到網上有帖提供辦法, 現在已夜深, 明天再試試看。



使用 EFix 4.85 解 KAVO 及 變種 jvvo.exe , j3ewro.exe 病毒 的 LOG檔

Friday, October 24, 2008

TST Snapshot

兩星期前的星期日返午堂崇拜前,我和小Helen偷了一點時候出TST拍拖, 吃特色Toast Box, 在海傍亂拍照一通, 不過在我們結婚逾一年仍在此樂趣真的感恩。希望我們到白頭時仍有此份情懷~~~


面對著經濟蕭條, 但是物價上漲壓力, 本身使用的Web Hosing company 亦要加$10月費, 即使再沒有$28/月750MB的特惠月費, 因此此blog也要由 FTP儲存方法改為利用Blogger的免費server Blog*Spot儲存, 由即日起blog URL已改為。而本身的chrischak.com將於2009年3月到期, 考慮可能到時候轉到位於Website Solotion 的 5-Domain 6GB web hosting plan名下, 省點錢吧。

可是要把整個blog的相片及video重新publish免得將來轉server變broken link此工序真的相當費時啊!

Monday, October 13, 2008

DSLR Movie新景象

自從DSLR Nikon D90及Canon 5DII成功拍HD movie後, 用家的創意發揮至無限, 拍MV、拍電影都可, 利害!

create a MTV 不敢靠近你 by nikon d90
by lazybee

create a MTV 不敢靠近你 by nikon d90 from lazybee on Vimeo.
camera system:nikon d90
lens:tokina af 19-35/3.5-4.5,nikon AI mf 50/1.8, jupiter mf 85/2,nikon mf 35-70/3.5-4.8

The first 1080p short film photographed with the Canon EOS 5D MKII
by Vincent Laforet

工商機構籃球比賽 Corporate Games 2008 (Oct 11)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

工商機構籃球比賽 Corporate Games (Basketball) 2008

今晚缺席復興聚會因為公司參加了工商機構籃球比賽, 石硤尾場館由地鐵站步行過去要20分鐘, 真要命!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

People are confused because the news about melaine is confusing.

Melamine(三聚氰胺)一字對我來說一直都是化工材料, 甚至是入行之後才稍為見過的英文字, 在化學課中未曾接觸過。不得不暗自驚嘆國內工業人士對化學的知識, 他們熟悉食品工業蛋白質檢定方法因此「善用」(不能用「鋌而走險」地偷用因為有些人根本明明知道其毒性但為圖利而妄顧零售用戶健康!!!)三聚氰胺添加到食品中, 混淆視聽, 令檢測結果顯示蛋白質含量合乎規格。可憐的是飲用有毒奶粉的小朋友, 由於家長無法負擔相對(本港經濟能力)高昂的進口奶粉價錢, 甚至小至四個月大的小朋友已受到kidney stone折磨。有醫生表示, 由於kidney stone擁有polymer特性, 使用現在ultrasonic震碎技術可能有困難。

為受影響的小朋友祈禱, 也安慰父母親的心寧。


台灣化學界朋友仔的生動介紹, 有三聚氰胺粉劑相片!

(按: 標題句子是引用小Helen在英文課堂中得老師稱讚的句式運用作句)

Friday, October 03, 2008



Male Portrait

Thursday, October 02, 2008

[Computer Hardware]裸族公寓

收到Hugo的P4 2.8GHz舊機, 希望將本身的1.8GHz微微upgrade一下, 不過mATX機箱空間有限, 面對愈來愈多的相片及Video儲存空間需求, 想找一個多bay的case upgrade一下。剛剛在internet surfing中找到「裸族のマンション」(裸族公寓), 相信可用, 不過連一條SATA或IDE連接線都沒有, 用法仍有待發掘。



ICIS: Tained food hits polymer sales

ICIS Asian Chemical Connection: Tained food hits polymer sales
Posted by John on September 29, 2008 1:15 PM

As if the problems confronting China's polyolefin markets were not enough, sales have apparently been further hit by the tainted food scares which began with baby's milk.

A wide range of products are now affected with Cadbury becoming the latest global confectionary brand to withdraw some of its products.

The China market was already facing the potential for negative or even flat polyethylene and polypropylene growth in 2008 because of the collapse in export trade to the West due to the global financial crisis.

The problem now, according to a leading Western PE producer, is that just about every exported Chinese food product is being subject to closer scrutiny by regulatory authorities - along with the negative impact on sales of all the product withdrawals. This is making China's converters even less willing to buy resin.

Long term, lower growth in China means it will of course take longer to absorb the new capacities.

The Chinese government also faces the task of rebuilding confidence in its food industries - not only for the sake of export trade but to also tackle local anger. Civil unrest over health concerns surrounding air and water pollution is already a major threat to social stability.

But for those focusing on immediate prospects, the good news is that there are strong rumours of substantial delays to the start-up of two major PE plant sin the Middle East.

The longer that late equipment delivery and technical (or maybe market?) issues push back start-up, the more likely it is that the global economic downturn will at least have reached the bottom of the trough before the big flood of volumes hits supply.

The industry has been very lucky. First came the Iranian delays, which in effect mount to the cancellation of 3-4 crackers all due on stream in 2010-12.

Then we have seen up to three crackers in Qatar delayed to beyond 2012.

And for those projects where building work is almost complete, continued technical and equipment delivery issues have left buyers with the same feeling that Manchester Utd fans had during the 1980s and early 1990s, which was: "Maybe we'll win the championship next year." Sadly, or rather tragically, things changed.

This year was supposed to mark the big ramp-up in PP production, but it hasn't happened.


ICIS News: China melamine-in-milk scandal spreads to Europe

China melamine-in-milk scandal spreads to Europe
24 September 2008 14:39 [Source: ICIS news]

By Hilde Ovrebekk

LONDON (ICIS news)--The Chinese melamine scandal spread to Europe on Wednesday as leading UK grocer Tesco announced it would withdraw a range of children’s confectionery from stores over fears they contained the toxic chemical.

The supermarket chain recalled its White Rabbit Creamy Candies due to reports it could contain melamine, a chemical which has contaminated formula milk and other dairy products in China, killing four infants and making 53,000 ill.

Melamine, an industrial chemical used in plastics, had been added to diluted milk products to make it appear higher in protein. Two further illnesses have also been reported in Hong Kong.

A Tesco spokeswoman said the product had been withdrawn as a precautionary measure. It is sold as part of the shop chain’s ethnic range.

A UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) spokeswoman said: "We are asking industry to check the source of this product and will take any action if necessary."

The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) issued a statement earlier on Wednesday warning people not to consume imported White Rabbit Creamy Candies.

It said testing for the presence of melamine in a wide range of products containing a significant dairy content imported into New Zealand from China had shown contamination at unacceptably high levels in the confectionary.

Results identified the presence of 180 ppm of melamine, it said.

“This is a serious concern,” said NZFSA deputy CEO Sandra Daly.

“We have issued a director-general’s statement advising people not to eat these products as we cannot discount the likelihood of health risks resulting from the consumption of these sweets."

The product is manufactured by Shanghai Guan Sheng Yuan Food. It has been been advertised with a slogan saying seven White Rabbit candies is equivalent to one cup of milk.

China has sent inspectors to check dairy farms nationwide after Sanlu Group, China Mengniu Dairy and 20 producers were found to have sold contaminated products.

More than 7,000 tonnes of dairy products has been pulled from the shelves, while authorities have seized 4,247 tonnes of milk powder and 1,562 tonnes of liquid milk contaminated with melamine, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

White Rabbit was pulled from shelves in Singapore on Sunday as the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) advised the public against the consumption of milk and other dairy products from China after samples tested positive for the toxic chemical.

The Yili Brand Choice Dairy Fruit Bar yogurt-flavoured ice confection and the Dutch Lady strawberry flavoured milk were also recalled in the city-state.

Milk and dairy products from China have also been banned or recalled from a number of countries in Asia and Africa.

For more on melamine visit ICIS chemical intelligence

To discuss issues facing the chemical industry go to ICIS connect

By: Hilde Ovrebekk
+44 20 8652 3214

Canon Pro Solution Hub

Hotline: 3191 2333
Standard Photography Studio 4h $2600.

Quite expensive. Today we have a chat with Jovin Tang that we might want to rent a studio for families in church to take home pictures. I thought of Canon studio in TST because of its clean environment and convenient traffic. However this might out of our budget. Let me try to find other studio first.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Windows Requires Administrator Rights to Install USB Flash Drives


However the comment from internet surfer said this is not working. I am try one of the comment.

net stop cryptsvc
ren %systemroot%\System32\Catroot2 oldcatroot2
net start cryptsvc

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


我們選擇--應是我選擇了去一間古老的扒房吃晚飯。我們也叫了阿梓阿英一起來, 說笑地說順道也幫她慶祝兩年前的生日(那天我「利用」她的生日慶祝來向小Helen求婚), 以及今年在大酒店渡過的生日。
多謝阿梓沒有嫌我沒有機會給大家點菜, 基本上我跟電視阿蘇介紹的點菜, 即是US Prime Rib Eye、羊架, 老闆Alexander介紹要試一試豬肉, 他說豬牛羊也很好吃, 我們有四個人, 也說點了三個Main Dish一起吃, 湯就是牛尾湯、Oyster及魚湯, 甜品也說自然點了橙酒pancake, 阿梓說很易做, 不過我就是不聽人意見, 點了試試看, 不過那較濃的酒味, 小Helen不太合口味。老闆很健談, 跟阿梓談食物的做法談得很開心, last送了我們每人一serve蘋果批, 原來配上雪糕、餅皮的焦糖Apply Pie (阿梓加ice cream是堅持的做法)味道真的很不錯。

希望小Helen今晚過很開心,撇開今日深港鐵路因壞車delay以遲到問題, perfect! Haha!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


上星期三開組不成, 人少少結果改了到旺角九代日本料理吃飯, 我和小Helen間中會來, 原來Michael也是, 在這店曾碰到阿淦。人均消費$100。

九龍旺角通菜街7M, 1N, 1P-1T華發大廈A1-A2舖
訂座電話: 3586 1826

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cheap Cheap ASK MP3機品質真的很氣人

月初買了一部價值$199的ASK MP3機, 根本未成功用過, 一直顯示「Low Battery」, 充電兩小時後無補於事。希望明天再上多一次其代理聯訊公司, 能夠換機或退款吧!

顏色: 藍色
容量: 2GB
型號: UT-MP 8307
盒上Label編碼: 0834910

Friday, September 19, 2008



Sunday, September 14, 2008


Canon美國網站上固作神秘的放了一條Banner "Destined Evolution", 但是click入後新頁面的flash只有一張JPG, 可能是暫時把flash內容封住, 但是上面的PS功力實在太差了, 明顯看到黑色的方塊! 真的有損其形象, 哈哈!


每年中秋前一日至中秋節翌日連續三日都在大坑(銅鑼灣)舉行舞火龍, 拍完回來身上還有那些煙香的味道。這是一個somehow祈福活動, 當然現時作為景點多於本身的意義, 觀眾當中差不多一半是外籍遊客。

根據旅發局資料, 「...這 條 由 百 多 人 舞 動 的 火 龍 , 將 游 走 於 蓮 花 宮 、 浣 紗 街 、 安 庶 庇 街 、 新 村 街 、 布 朗 街 和 華 倫 街 一 帶 。 舞 畢 , 居 民 會 拔 下 火 龍 身 上 的 線 香 , 然 後 分 派 予 圍 觀 者 , 據 說 取 得 線 香 的 人 士 可 因 此 沾 上 好 運 。
相 傳 舞 火 龍 的 習 俗 , 源 自 大 坑 區 100 年 前 的 一 場 瘟 疫 。 當 時 居 民 飽 受 疫 症 、 颱 風 及 其 他 災 禍 之 苦 , 為 了 驅 趕 這 些 災 害 , 中 秋 節 期 間 , 村 民 以 珍 珠 草 織 成 長 龍 , 在 龍 身 插 滿 線 香 , 一 邊 燒 鞭 炮 , 一 邊 舞 動 火 龍 , 三 天 三 夜 後 , 災 禍 真 的 絕 跡 ; 從 此 以 後 , 這 項 一 年 一 度 的 活 動 奉 行 至 今 , 成 為 了 本 地 的 一 項 風 俗 , 名 聲 更 流 傳 海 外 。」

Monday, September 08, 2008

今日缺席主日崇拜, 公司參加一個商會舉辦的籃球賽, 做個大後備, 最後得了亞軍, 帶了個獎牌給小Helen放在家中玻璃櫃內! 哈哈!



Saturday, September 06, 2008

Raining like cats and dogs

早上天氣還可, 中午, 臨近放工的時候竟下起大雨來, 我今日周末沒有袋也沒有打傘, 感謝神早兩天忘了帶傘回家, 所以今天有傘用!
一碟牛丸要$618!!! (打錯單) 
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