Tuesday, April 25, 2006

God will make a way....

Yesterday I shared my difficulties in work during my cell meeting. Felix, my "dad", encourage me to take the step of faith. Abraham did this when he heard the calling of God.

I remember a song our church seldom sings now,
God will make a way, when there seems to be no way
He works in way we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide, hold me closely to His side
He will make a way, He will make a way

In the wilderness and darkness He will .....
Heaven and Earth will fade, but His words still remain
He will do something new today

I can't fully recite the whole song. Please send me the lyrics if anyone has.

No one in the company has met this kind of case. I have no experience to learn and no advise to listen. I today still try without any direction...

Now I am happy to share here because everything seems go a little bit smoother. Things are not yet solved but I have got my customers informed and at least I have things to work. Well I just do several bold phone calls.

Wow. Darkness has come because it is late 8pm. I must leave office now because I heard the gate is closing.

My kitty Helen, I am coming to pick you up at Mongkok! >@<

Friday, April 21, 2006


很掛住她, 她到日本旅行那五天, 像是怪怪的。
好感動她買了好多東西給我, 特別的是她買了我喜歡的大肉腸(不是德國的, 而是像是善字牌的); 又有上班族需要的神奇鞋墊, 它聲稱感覺在水上一樣(剛剛試過還不懶); 更有一部paper pin-hole SHA-RAN, 應該很好玩, 不過日本字真的很難明, 現正在網路上找一找有沒有中文的介紹。

Saturday, April 15, 2006


小Helen終於如願以償與兩個舊同事其中一個往日本遊玩去! 應該會玩得很癲很開心!

即使是送機也帶同相機, 本來想拍些小品, 但天色陰霾沒有什麼好玩, 想不到在巴士上不經意找拍比以前刻意找景來得更有主題!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


現在手提電腦上的時間是下午1:33, 應該是午飯的時間, 不過我在辦公桌乾等, 等的是一份由客戶過來的傳真, 收到後還是上山乘小巴到荃灣把該傳真過來的文件轉交給一個客貨車司機提貨。

搞了一個早上, 受盡同事的投訴, 只不過希望在最短時間內(但客戶文件又不齊備)安排一次少批量送貨, 箇中辛酸不為人道。

昨天小組分享講到以愛去彌補世界上的「黑暗」關係, 以身作則, 把?恕的種子撒在憤怒上, 有組員即時說很難, 是呀, 行道不難的話, 小組的互相支持關係網已不需要了。不過, 我開始動搖......

司機在1:15分已經在荃灣等了, 現在已經是1:42分, 還沒有任何聲氣, 客戶公司有關的同事也在吃飯......而我.......卻仍在等。

Thursday, April 06, 2006


市建局決定清拆蘇屋, 居民需於兩年內安排調遷。歌星許冠文與兄弟小時候居住的屋村要變成回憶, 不少市民亦帶同子女重遊, 憶述當年「搶飛機」欖趣事。