Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lunch w/Kerry

photo will be uploaded later since the system is down.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


放工回到家, 本來打算只小睡一回, 晚上就去接小Helen放學, 豈料...聽到電話醒來, 9:30pm!
心裡暗忖不知如何是好, 不過現在出去一趟還來得切到九龍灣會她。

Friday, October 20, 2006

Give up!

一下放低了一些東西, 突然間像沒找緊方向盤的車子, 到處亂撞; 先收拾心情, 停下來, 拉好手制, 縳好安全帶, 打開你的GPS再走走吧。

題外話: 今天電子展真的有很多GPS及大型LCD display的產品, 說不定明年已有不少配有GPS的汽車零件及日常玩意了!

Addidas Jacket

Kerry helped me and found this one. Comment?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


After I lost my 3G phone Sharp 802SH two weeks ago, I am still looking one ecomomic and light-weighted phone. Sharp SX633 is too expensive. SX313 was out-dated and collected back by Smartone so that I cannot find one brand new one.

Searching business phone information for German friend, I found the appreance of Nokia E50 is very similar to the quite old Sony (not SonyEricsson) CMD-J series especially J5. Accident?

Thursday, October 12, 2006


一直以來家裡的電器電子用品都是我調校的, 電視追頻呀, 錄影機呀, 手機呀。
買了新手機LG KG320, 打算把小Helen的相片做來電大頭貼, 可是竟忙個一小時也搞不好, 天呀!
哼! 我就是不打開說明書看, 我不看我找不到方法!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

[Copied from internet] Alternate Canon hoods

Alternate Canon hoods, by David Burren

One found that EW-83H (for 24-105L) with spring arrangement is good for 17-40 L on 1.6x crop DSL, apart from EW-83D.


Ireceived some feedback that the EW-83D (and EW-83DII) were very stiff on the 17-40mm lens. I have to agree with this: mine was very stiff at first although it soon loosened up. Now two and half years later it's maybe slightly too loose (only in that it doesn't click into place when fully attached - very similar to the standard EW-78BII on my 28-135mm IS lens).

Recently I was using an EF 24-105mm/4L IS lens and noticed that its hood (the EW-83H) is a very similar shape to the EW-83D. Not quite as long, but very similar. Not only does it have internal flocking, but it has the same spring arrangement as the EW-83E. It attaches to the 17-40mm lens with a very positive click: almost as though it was made for it! I've taken test shots and can recommend it.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


10月2日BBQ後, 身體不大舒服, 而且到今天心情仍在放假, 無法投入工作。
我的手機也是, 通話著自己自動重新啟動, 不願服務, 看來又要花錢換一部, 今次真的不要貪新款貪漂亮找一個行機了, 至少手機又半年罷工也可以保修。