It's a breeze to squeeze & tease out a tune with no keys!
“The world’s cutest, weirdest musical instrument”
Straight from Japan, the sensation known as the Otamatone has got to be the world’s quirkiest electronic musical instrument ever. Invented by Maywa Denki, the Otamatone is a great toy for kids, or a fun addition to any musician’s arsenal of unique instruments.
Most musical instruments don't have faces, and there is probably a very good reason for that; nobody thought of it before! Allow us to introduce one of the cutest musical instruments ever - and it has a face! It is a singing musical-note shaped toy which requires two hands to be played: while one hand holds and/or repeatedly opens and closes the mouth by squeezing the note's rubber cheeks to get vibrato (or any sort of wah-wah effect), the other hand controls the pitch of the tune by sliding the finger up and down the stem. The strip on the stem has no pitch labels or frets, so having a good musical ear is an advantage, but that said, you can easily just slide between notes, both for ease of playing and for even more musical effect. The distinctly Japanese Otamatone Electronic Instrument is wacky, adorable, and a great instrument for some truly unique electronic performances.
*Slide your finger up and down the stem to change the pitch.
*Squeeze the cheeks for vibrato.
*Three pitch levels and two volume levels.
*Squeeze the cheeks for vibrato.
*Three pitch levels and two volume levels.
[Source here: ]
But this one called Otamatone Jumbo is somehow...looking stupid.
And you can play iOS Otamatone too!
There of course iPad version. It is must more worthy to play! I just checked the price on the App Store. It cost HK $28.00, rather cheap.
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